Raising welfare standards, protecting our animals and our industry.
We recognise producers who take responsibility.
Join forward thinking Australian producers who have made a Better Choice by using pain relief and preventative welfare interventions.
Better Choices is a self-certified, industry supportive community, committed to improving welfare outcomes through pain mitigation.
93% of Australians say that farm animal welfare is important to them.
The Better Choices community recognises and welcome farmers, producers, industry individuals and organisations, who support and contribute to an improved quality of life and welfare standard for livestock, through pain mitigation.
Become A Better Choices Member
Let's make Better Choices together.

How to Join
If you care deeply about the wellbeing of our livestock, join our global community of passionate farmers and industry stakeholders, and become a member today. In just 3 simple steps, you can make a real difference to our industry:
Step 1
Commit to making better choices when it comes to pain mitigation for livestock.
Step 2
Step 3
Take action today and become a member of our global community - it's time to show the world that that the wellbeing of our livestock matters to us.
Sign up now!